
pH is measured by a pH Meter with an electrochemical pH electrode that indicates the acidity or alkalinity of the liquid. It is a critical parameter in water and wastewater treatment in municipal and industrial applications, chemical production, agriculture research and production. pH Meters are also used in environmental monitoring, chemical and life sciences research, biochemical and pharmaceutical research, electronics production and many more applications.

All pH testers must purchase with calibration solution for tester calibration

  • PH100 Extech® ExStick® pH Meter PH100 Extech® ExStick® pH Meter

    PH100 Extech® ExStick® pH Meter

    Documentation PH100 Manual Built-in Smart chip offers advanced functions and features to a stick style pH meter not found anywhere else RENEW feature that tells you when it’s time to replace your pH electrode CAL feature that tells you when...
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  • CHECKER1 Hanna® Checker® pH Tester CHECKER1 Hanna® Checker® pH Tester

    CHECKER1 Hanna® Checker® pH Tester

    Documentation CHECKER1 pH Tester Manual High accuracy with 0.01 pH resolution Two point fast and accurate calibration Usable with virtually any electrode that shares the same connector 3,000 hours of battery life HI 1270 small diameter probe fitseasily...
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  • WD-35634-37 Oakton® pH Tester 50

    WD-35634-37 Oakton® pH Tester 50

    Ultimate tester for pH, conductivity, TDS, salinity, and temperature! Combine measurement capabilities of three testers in one convenient pocket-sized unit Up to 3 point pH calibration with NIST or USA auto buffer recognition Conductivity, TDS, and...
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  • S16 Storage Solutions

    S16 Storage Solutions

    Storage solution ensures that electrode works properly after prolonged storage, overnight storage and between samples. Available in 16 oz bottle or 1 gallon bottle.
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  • High Temperature pH Electrodes

    High Temperature pH Electrodes

    Documentation High temp pH ORP accessories brochure High temp pH ORP high press gland High temp pH ORP submersion gland The 102029 pH electrode and 102963 ORP electrode are designed to function where other electrodes cannot. In room temperature water,...
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