Product Description
AP110 pH Controller Quick Guide
AP110 ORP Controller Quick Guide
The Pulse Instruments AP-110 Series controllers offer a high level of flexibility in controlling water treatment applications.
An isolated analog output may be used to retransmit sensor input signals to a
chart recorder, data logger, PLC or other device. It may also be connected to
valves, actuators or metering pumps for linear proportional or PID control.
Our unique USB feature provides the ability to upgrade the software in the controller
to the latest version.
One sensor input is available that are compatible with a variety of sensors:
- Contacting conductivity with cell constant 0.01, 0.1, 1.0 or 10.0
- Electrodeless conductivity
- pH
- Any Pulse Instrument disinfection sensor
- Generic sensor (any type of sensor with a linear voltage output between -2VC and 2 VDC)
One digital input may be used for a variety of purposes:
- State type: Flow switch or other Interlock to stop control, odr rum level switch
- Water meter contactor: To control a relay to feed a chemical based on flow total
- Paddlewheel flowmeter: To control based on flow total or flow rate Four relay outputs may be set to a variety of control modes:
- On/Off set point control
- Time Proportional control
- Pulse Proportional (when purchased with Pulse solid state opto outputs)
- PID Control
- Activate with a contact closure
- Timed activation triggered by a Water Contactor or Paddlewheel flow meter’s accumulated total flow
- Activate with another output
- Activate as a percent another output’s on-time
- Daily, Weekly, 2-week or 4-week timers with or without Biocide functions
- Intermittent sampling for boilers with proportional blowdown, controlling on a trapped sample
- Dual set point
- Always on unless interlocked
- Probe Wash timer
- Diagnostic Alarm triggered by:
• High or Low sensor reading
• No Flow
• Relay output timeout
• Sensor error